The partners of “EntreTheater” project has met for project final meeting in the picturesque Matera, Italy during 12th and 13th April 2023. The meeting was hosted by the managers from Matera HUB with warm welcome and presentation of the city. Partners has used the opportunity for both finilising and discussing the project but also to catch up on the important issues to be resolved. The partners of the following organisations has joined the meeting:
- Folkuniversitetet, Sweden
- MateraHub, Italy
- L’Abero, Italy
- FO Aarhus, Denmark
- Fyg Consultores, Spain
- Spektrum, Romania
- Smashing Times, Ireland
The meeting led to lively discussions and useful solutions with regards to projects relevant questions. The below topics were discussed:
- Welcome note
- Project progress
- Coffee break
- Final results of National piloting IO2
- Final result of IO3
- Dissemination
- Quality Assurance
- Final reporting
Tasks for partners and deadlines were set.
The project “EntreTheater” financed by European Commission aims to create a solution for unemployed talented people that will help them to continue improving their skills and building their career path. The main objective of the project is to develop an inclusive, engaging and innovative training methodology to provide target group of adult unemployed people with entrepreneurial skills. Since the beginning of the project in March 2021 the first step towards the goal is already done in the form of Skill Assessment Framework conducted by the partners from 6 different countries: Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Romania. It is implemented in order to evaluate the current situations considering unemployment in partner countries, find similarities among them that will help in future to develop effective methodology that will support people who found themselves excluded from the job market. On the basis of joint reported the training materials for trainers and participants are already developed and piloted I each partner country.